
Thursday, 24 March 2011

Phase 2 (Vertical move): Important information

As previously mentioned on this blog, the moving of books according to DDC (Dewey) consists of two phases. During phase one (October 2010 to January 2011) all books were arranged according to DDC per level. After completing phase one in January 2011, all books were re-arranged on the levels where they were, according to DDC. Currently books in specific classes can be found on more than one level, for example: books with a DDC number of 226 can be found on levels 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 as indicated on the catalogue.

As from 1 April 2011 we will proceed with phase two of the move. The aim of this phase is to move a total of 250 000 books from one level to another, in order to group books of a specific class or subclass together on a specific level, for example: grouping all the books with a DDC number of 226 together on level one. This will mean that approximately 3000 to 4000 books will be moved daily from one level to another and that the catalogue will simultaneously be updated to display the new location (level) of the books.

In order to keep all stakeholders informed of the move, daily moves will be communicated via this blog. If all goes according to plan, we should be finished with the second phase by the end of July 2011.

I want to conclude by saying that we are aware that this will have an impact on students and staff looking for books and we sincerely apologize for the inconveniece. I want to give you the insurance that we are doing our utmost to ensure that the impact will be minimal.

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