
Wednesday, 20 July 2011


The main purpose of this blog was to share information regarding the moving of books from the old Zastrau system to the Dewey Decimal Classification System (DDC). As mentioned previously, on this blog, the moving of books have been completed in June. The spacing on the levels has also been corrected and we completed the marking of the rows on each level (see the photos below). This means that the purpose of this blog has been fulfilled and this will be the last entry.
However, it would not be fair to end this blog without a word of thanks to the following:
-          The Dewey Project Team: for your hard work, dedication and creative ideas.
-          To the 12 temporary staff members: this project would not have been completed if it was not for you and the effort you have put into this project. Thank you SO much for your hard work the past 10 months. A big cheer to all of you for a job well done!
-          The Library Staff: Thank you to the DFC staff who came to assist us in June. To the APK staff, thank you for assisting the clients in finding books, explaining the situation to them and sometimes bearing the brunt of angry clients.  We know that it has been extremely difficult at times and thank you for your commitment to the project.
-          Library Leadership: thank you for your guidance and support.
-          UJ staff and students: thank you so much for your patience during the move. We know that at times it was difficult to find books and it should be much easier now. We sincerely hope that you find the international classification system easy to use.
I would like to end off with this quote of Walt Disney:
If you can dream it, you can do it.

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